Sawhill Boulevard Pond

Located about 20 minutes west of Fredericksburg, this neighborhood pond makes for a quick birding stop. Ringed by houses, the primary suite of birds to be found here are your expected suburban denizens. There are no walking trails, woodlots, or other areas to devote more attention to – the method of birding this spot is a simple stationary count. The best viewing is from the north on Sawhill Boulevard, where you can see most of the pond. A few minutes of observation in any season should net a careful observer 15-20 species. There are two “specialties” to be had here. Firstly, this is a reliable and easy location to see Mute Swan in Spotsylvania. Second, during the summer months this is the site of an active Purple Martin colony. In winter the pond is worth a quick scan; though it often has little of note, there is usually a flock of Canada Geese that should be checked and occasionally there will be wintering ducks such as Ring-necked Duck, either scaup, and Hooded Merganser.

Accessibility: The pond itself is not accessible; it is a neighborhood pond with no walking trails. It can be viewed from the road, which is best done from the corner of Sawhill Boulevard and Palmer Court where there is a wide shoulder to pull off.

Owner/Manager: Private

eBird Hotspot: Sawhill Boulevard Pond

Matt Anthony, January 2024