Germanna Community College--Fredericksburg Area Campus

Situated directly adjacent to I-95, the Fredericksburg Area Campus is the center of activity for Germanna Community College, serving several thousand students in the greater Fredericksburg region. The campus itself is fairly compact with relatively limited interest from a birding perspective. There is an extensive parking lot and an entrance road lined with small trees, where House Finches, Chipping Sparrows, Eastern Bluebirds, and similar species often forage. There are woodlots on all sides of the campus, mostly deciduous with a few mixed stands; the largest tract and best area for birding is the extensive woods on the north side of the campus behind the academic buildings. These woods are part of the Massaponax Creek drainage and boast a healthy combination of larger trees and intact understory with the creek running through it. Here one is likely to find the best birding on campus. In winter there is a reasonable shot at encountering any of the expected woodland suite. There are enough stands of pines to support Red-breasted Nuthatches in winters when they are around. Migration can be quite fruitful here - work the edges ringing the drainage pond as well as deeper into the woods on the nature trail, and you are likely to find a good mix of migrant passerines. Things quiet down some during the summer months, with mostly the expected group of woodland breeders. Massaponax Creek usually supports a breeding Louisiana Waterthrush or two on the stretch behind campus. The small drainage pond in the northwest corner typically has little action; it is too small and exposed to be attractive to ducks, though perhaps a Wood Duck or Hooded Merganser could drop in occasionally.

Accessibility: The campus is open to the public during daylight hours and there is ample parking. There is a series of nature trails in the woods on the north side of campus that provide the best access for birding. The trails include fitness equipment and the walking is mildly strenuous, with a fairly substantial gradient. After heavy rain, the trails often become washed out and muddy; while seldom impassable, they may not be worth the trouble in these conditions.

Owner/Manager: Germanna Community College

eBird Hotspot: Germanna Community College--Fredericksburg Area Campus

—Matt Anthony, January 2024