Lake Anna State Park

Situated on the north shore of Lake Anna, Lake Anna State Park is the main public access point for Lake Anna. In addition to a public beach and boat launch there are over 15 miles of trails throughout the park which offer extensive birding opportunities. Lake Anna itself is the primary draw for birding this park, with migration and winter being the peak times to visit. While waterfowl at this location can be hit or miss, a wide variety has been seen here over the years including statewide rarities such as Western Grebe and Tufted Duck and regional rarities such as Red-throated Loon and White-winged Scoter. More regularly species such as Red-breasted Merganser, Bonaparte's Gull and Common Loon are seen. Colder winters tend to be more productive as Lake Anna never freezes over. There are two main vantage points to view the lake, the main one is from the boat launch and beach area and the other is from picnic shelter 3. The finger of the lake that extends up the east side of the park can also be productive for ducks, and it can be viewed from the cabin area in the park or from Rte. 643 outside the park. During the spring and fall the edges of the boat launch parking lot, the fisherman's trail and the area around picnic shelter 3 can all be productive for migrant passerines. Other trails are likely productive as well. During the summer months the park becomes quite crowded with beach goers and boaters making birding more difficult. Some interesting species have still been found at this time of year, however, including a June Red-necked Grebe and early migrant Black Terns in August.

Accessibility: A daily or annual state park pass is required for entry, prices vary throughout the year, see the website for details. The only entrance to the park is off Rte. 601.

Owner/Manager: Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

eBird Hotspot: Lake Anna State Park

—James Fox