Evergreen Cemetery

On the southeast side of the city, near where US 11 joins US 60, Evergreen Cemetery occupies roughly 5.5 square acres. It is a typical small cemetery, mostly open mowed grass with scattered tall trees. This is mostly a spot to find common suburban edge species such as Northern Mockingbird, Eastern Bluebird, American Robin, Chipping Sparrow, American Goldfinch, and others. There are a number of pines scattered throughout that could perhaps attract Pine Siskin or Red-breasted Nuthatch in a good winter. On its eastern edge, the cemetery backs up to a small woodlot that adds woodland species to the mix and may occasionally have migrant passerines on the right day. Opposite the cemetery to the southwest is a small weedy meadow that ups the ante a bit; species like Indigo Bunting, Field Sparrow, and perhaps Blue Grosbeak may be found here. Lexington is largely devoid of anything even resembling meadow or field habitat, so this may also be the best bet within the city limits for sparrows.

Accessibility: Evergreen Cemetery is publicly owned and is accessible via a paved road that loops throughout the property. As always when birding a cemetery, please exercise discretion and respect.

Owner/Manager: City of Lexington

eBird Hotspot: Evergreen Cemetery

—Matt Anthony, September 2020

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