Colonial Parkway--Cheatham Annex Overlook

This small pull-off has a lot to offer from both a land and waterbird perspective. Throughout spring and fall migration transient passerines have been known to put in appearances in the trees on both sides of the parking lot and in the shrubby slope the descends down to the York River. A male Kentucky Warbler was once heard singing in the woods across from the parking lot in May where it may have attempted breeding. Additionally, it may prove worthwhile to walk along the mowed edge of the parkway to the east of the parking area to look for interesting migrant passerines in the shrubby regrowth on the slope down to the river. While this perch above the York overlooks much of the same water as can be seen from the Felgates Creek pull-off, it does offer a slightly different perspective. Of particular interest, the north side of Penniman Spit is visible from here, which offers a better chance to detect both the shorebirds and gulls that spend time here at low tide than at the nearby Felgates Creek Pull-off.

A scope is especially useful here as all of the waterbirds will be far out in the river.

As with other nearby pull-offs between Williamsburg and Yorktown, commuter traffic can be quite heavy here weekday mornings and afternoons. Lighting can be good here at most times of day since most viewing is north-facing.

Note: All immediate areas fall within York County, however everything further than halfway across the York River is in Gloucester County.

Accessibility: Approximately 8 cars can park in the paved spaces at this overlook. The best place to scan the water is from the grassy area immediately adjacent to the parking area. This pull-off is accessible at all times of the day and year unless the Colonial Parkway is closed, which is a rare event.

Owner/Manager: National Park Service

eBird Hotspot: Colonial Parkway--Cheatham Annex Overlook

—Nick Newberry