Ocean View Beach Park

While it has not been fully realized as such, this park provides a phenomenal vantage point for sea watching. The promenade here is raised almost 10 feet above the elevation of the beach which provides a nice sturdy position for viewing birds in the waters of the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. In the winter, gulls and waterfowl of all kinds are the stars of the show here. To the delight of many, during the winter of 2020 a first winter Iceland Gull put on a reliably good show here as it foraged and roosted with other gulls on the beach and in nearby waters. Interestingly, the prior winter also produced a first winter Iceland Gull (3/19/2019).

This location is virtually unbirded from late spring through early fall. While large numbers of beachgoers is likely to blame for this, early morning or late afternoon visits here on days with unfavorable beach weather may yield an interesting diversity of terns or migrating shorebirds given enough effort.

Because this beach is east/northeast facing, lighting is best in the afternoons and evenings.

Accessibility: Free parking for this public beach access is located across from the main entrance for the Ocean View Shopping Center. There is parking for approximately 50 cars, including handicap spaces. This park includes a wide, paved promenade that runs parallel to the ocean and should be accessible to those with limited mobility. There is a public restroom here, as well.

eBird Hotspot: Ocean View Beach Park

—Nick Newberry