Captain's Quarters Recreation Center

This small park, tucked away in the shadow of I-64, primarily serves the Willoughby Spit area of Norfolk with a rec center, playground equipment, and waterfront access on Willoughby Bay. Though primarily favored by anglers, this park is not without interest for birders as well. The main attraction is the view of Willoughby Bay, though this is somewhat obstructed by the I-64 bridge. In the summer months expect to see Laughing Gulls and several terns, particularly Common and Royal, flying overhead or fishing in the bay. At the base of the bridge there are some sandy banks where it may occasionally be possible to glimpse a heron or egret, or perhaps some shorebirds. Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls are present year-round, and winter brings greater numbers of Ring-billed Gulls (though a few linger throughout the year), as well as the chance for a Lesser-black Backed Gull or perhaps even an Iceland or Glaucous. Scanning the waters of Willoughby Bay in winter is likely to turn up loons, grebes, and an assortment of ducks including Canvasback, Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, and scaup. Apart from the waterfront birding, there are also some large oaks surrounding the rec center that could be attractive to migrants, so leave a moment or two to check these for mixed feeding flocks in spring and fall.

Owner/Manager: City of Norfolk

eBird Hotspot: Captain’s Quarters Recreation Center

—Matt Anthony, August 2020