Mariner's Museum Park/The Noland Trail

This park can be productive due to its variety of habitats. The Lions Bridge is always a good place to start. It has views of the James River and a large freshwater lake. The Noland trail encircles the lake with a five-mile loop. The trail is in deciduous and pine forest crossing many coves on short bridges. These crossings are often the most productive places. In spring, singing warblers can fill these woods with song. Black-throated Blue Warblers, American Redstarts, and Northern Parulas are the most abundant species, with an occasional Blackburnian or Cape May Warbler making an appearance. Scanning the river in winter, one can typically observe Red-breasted Mergansers, Bufflehead, Canvasbacks, and sometimes Common Goldeneyes.

Accessibility: The park and trail are free and open daily from 6:00 am - 8:00 pm, except on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

Owner/Manager: The Mariners' Museum

eBird Hotspot: Mariners' Museum Park/The Noland Trail

Jason Strickland