Stony Run Athletic Complex

Formerly a city dump, this location has proven to be a valuable asset in the local birding arena. It is likely to be the only place on the lower peninsula where Grasshopper Sparrows breed. This park is good in the winter for dabbling ducks and sparrows. Savannah Sparrows seem to enjoy the short grasses around the pond. There are resident Red-shouldered Hawks and American Kestrels for most of the year. Ospreys nest on the light poles of the softball fields. Eastern Meadowlarks and Killdeer are more regular here than anywhere else in the city. Stony Run Park has records of Wilson’s Snipe, Common Nighthawks, Common Merganser, and Red-throated Loon, all birds that can prove tough to find elsewhere in the city.

Accessibility: The park is free and is open Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Owner/Manager: City of Newport News

eBird Hotspot: Stony Run Athletic Complex

—Jason Strickland