Waterman's Park

Waterman's Park offers an unobstructed view of the Rappahannock River, which includes views of a substantial rock jetty to the southeast. The neighborhood surrounding the park hosts many active bird feeders that may support Pine Siskins, Orange-crowned Warblers, or other uncommon species with an affinity for feeders. Dense greenery near the park's entrance is worth searching for interesting passerines at all seasons. The lighting for scanning (scope highly recommended) the river is best in the afternoon. A small picnic table is located near the water's edge.

Accessibility: A small parking area at the intersection of Colorado Avenue and Kent Street hosts up to 3 or 4 cars with possible additional parking along the street. Waterman's Park is open from sunrise to a half hour after sunset.

Owner/Manager: Town of Urbanna

eBird Hotspot: Waterman's Park

—Nick Newberry

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