Bath County Pumped Storage Station Recreation Area

Birding here at any time of year can be productive, however, winter waterfowl and shorebird migration set this location apart from other destinations in Bath. This can also be a productive location for songbirds, however, this may be because it is one of the few large publicly accessible areas in the county more than the habitat actually being better for passerines. Diligent scanning with a scope of the lakes and their shorelines can be done from many vantage points, both inside and outside of the park. The two Rt. 600 pull-offs are worth stopping at for their views of areas of the lakes not easily seen from within the park. The northern pull-off tends to produce more birds, however, the southern pull-off should not be discounted. During nice days when the park is open to the public, it is advisable to arrive early to avoid crowds of people.

Notable waterbirds seen here includes Cackling Goose, Canvasback, White-winged Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, and Horned Grebe. Both species of Eagles have also been recorded here, with Bald possibly nesting nearby. Shorebirds include Killdeer (breeding), Least Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher (a large flock of 60), and both Yellowlegs, although this area holds the potential for many more shorebird species if visited with more frequency (particularly during the fall). Filling out the passerine side of the equation, Least Flycatcher and many species of warblers, including Golden-winged, have been recorded here. As with many locations in this part of the state, this hotspot is severely under-birded, especially during the winter and fall when waterfowl and shorebirds are expected.

Accessibility: From April to October this recreation area is open to the public for a wide variety of activities, however, during the rest of the year the lakes are still viewable. There are two pull-offs along Rt. 600, one north and one south of the entrance to the recreation area. Visitors may also park at the closed entrance gate and walk into the park during the off-season. There is a $2.00 daily parking fee between April and October.

Owner/Manager: Dominion Energy (owner and manager) and Allegheny Energy (owner)

eBird Hotspot: Bath County Pumped Storage Station Recreation Area

—Nick Newberry