Swisher Road Wetland

This is a small, stream-fed wetland and pond on the south side of Swisher Road. Usually there are no  waterfowl here, but this is a good spot for Great Blue Heron, and in the summer, various swallow species as well as Yellow Warbler. The fields surrounding the wetland often hold Horned Lark flocks in the winter, and this is a good area for raptors including Northern Harrier (winter), Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, and occasional flyover Bald or Golden Eagles. The wetland is on private property so view from the Road. Swisher Road is a lightly-traveled gravel road and you can pull off to the side to stop and bird.

eBird Hotspot: Swisher Road Wetland

—Gabriel Mapel