Albemarle Skoga Pond

This pond is located on Bundoran Farm, a 2300 acre farm and residential community, and can be viewed from Edge Valley Road. This lovely valley is home to many Grasshopper Sparrows and Indigo Buntings, and offers expansive views of the Ragged Mountains. The pond itself has yet to produce much in the way of waterfowl or shorebirds, but the extensive marshy inflow area holds promise for an Empidonax flycatcher or rail, and a Marsh Wren was here on 10/6/2007. Red-headed Woodpeckers are sometimes seen here as well. The fields along Edge Valley Road can be productive for sparrows at times, and there is potential for good hawkwatching, as the sky is quite large and the ridges of the Raggeds can have hundreds of Broad-winged Hawks on good migration days. Like the rest of southwestern Albemarle County, this location receives very little coverage. Who knows what you might turn up!

eBird Hotspot: Albemarle Skoga Pond

—Drew Chaney, February 2023